Atkins Library Area 49 Workshop

Categories: Uncategorized Tags: Research Skills

Event Date:
September 15, 2021 – 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM


Area 49 is the library’s collection of innovation spaces. It includes a Makerspace, an EZ Video Studio, a Visualization Lab, and much more. We not only provide access to these spaces, but we also offer consultations for how to develop and complete nontraditional projects and can help you find opportunities for collaboration. Additionally, we facilitate innovation- and creativity-based instruction sessions for classes based on course goals, which you can take advantage of if you teach during your graduate career. In this workshop, we will give you an overview of the spaces and what you can do in them, as well as examples of projects that have been completed and class sessions we have held in the spaces.

Please use this form to register and for the Zoom link!