Instructor of Record Training: Teaching College Students in a Post-Covid World

Categories: Uncategorized Tags: Teaching Skills

Event Date:
February 16, 2023 – 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Atkins 146 (CGLL classroom)

There is no doubt that the pandemic has changed the landscape of college education. Instructors of Record who are teaching post-pandemic students face challenges in the classroom stemming from the effects of the past few years. This presentation offers an overview of adolescent behavior and cognition, connects behavior and cognition with post-pandemic challenges, and offers concrete practices for meeting these challenges and for helping students develop resilience.

Facilitated by Dr. Judith Krauss, Faculty Associate for Graduate Teaching. You can watch two of Dr. Krauss’s workshops on our YouTube: How to Write a Teaching Philosophy and How to Conduct a Teaching Demonstration are both popular videos!

Lunch will be provided. Space is limited- please register today!