Writing Support
Dissertation Writing Support – Dissertation coaching can help writers learn strategies for managing the dissertation process, as well as how to:
- Plan, draft, revise, and edit their dissertation writing
- Work more effectively with dissertation chairs and committee members
- Create strong writing habits and set reasonable writing goals
- Manage their time and be more productive
- Deal with barriers to writing, such as writer’s block and procrastination
All UNC Charlotte doctoral students are eligible for this service, including those working on their dissertation proposals, writing their dissertations, preparing for their dissertation defenses, and revising their post-defense dissertations for final submission. Please email Dr. Lisa Russell-Pinson to make an appointment: Lisa.Russell-Pinson@charlotte.edu
Graduate Writing Resources Site – The Graduate Writing Resoures website directs you to the many resources available to graduate students at UNC Charlotte. Find a collection of UNC Charlotte resources, web-based resources, and student created resources to help you develop and refine your academic writing skills during your graduate studies.
Grant Writing Skill Development – Faculty Fellow of Grant Writing Dr. Adam Reitzel works with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to hone their grant writing ability, a crucial skill in STEM, the social sciences, and beyond. Writers seeking grant writing support can contact Dr. Reitzel by emailing him at: areitze2@charlotte.edu.
Formatting & Submitting your Thesis and Dissertation Workshop – If you are planning to submit your thesis or dissertation sometime this or next semester, you should attend one of these sessions to have all of your questions about formatting, defense, and submission procedures answered! These workshops are offered approximately every two weeks and are *essential* for stress-free graduation. See our calendar to register or our YouTube playlist for recorded sessions.