Poster 2.0

Event Date:
November 15, 2019 – 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Atkins Library-Graduate Reading Room
What is the Poster 2.0 Competition?
This competition is inspired by the #betterposter revolution that is drastically changing the way scientific research is presented at conferences.
Traditional research posters are generally very text-heavy and technical (see the typical example pictured above). Mike Morrison, a Ph.D. candidate at Michigan State University, has proposed a new template for academic research posters:
Simple language to highlight the key finding in the center of the poster
Minimal supplemental material is provided in the side panels
A QR code is provided to link to the full manuscript
Students at UNC Charlotte will present their own research in this new format. They will be evaluated based on their ability to succinctly convey the key points of their research and discuss the findings with attendees. There will be cash prizes for the Best Poster in each category and an Overall Winner.
The Poster 2.0 Competition will be held on November 15th from 2:00-4:00 in the Halton Reading Room in Atkins Library.
View Morrison’s viral YouTube video explaining the new poster template here.
Register here.