
Global Niners Talk: School, Home, Life and Community
Event Date:November 12, 2020 – 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Location:WebEx We are aware that international students deal with many obstacles and have to make many decisions on a daily basis. We also know that sometimes you feel alone, like you don’t have anyone to turn to for help. We know, because we work with […]

What Employers Want: Making Yourself Competitive in the Job Market
Event Date:November 12, 2020 – 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Location:WebEx Facilitated by Jay Skipworth, Associate Director, University Career Center Ever wonder what the people doing the hiring are thinking? Join Jay Skipworth, the University Career Center’s Associate Director for Employer Management, to learn about the skills and attributes employers look for and how you […]

Guided Meditations with Arna
Event Date:November 12, 2020 – 12:30 PM to 12:45 PM Location:WebEx Join us for a 15-minute guided relaxation! A short break, where you can take a moment to honor yourself and create a few moments of peace and calm by focusing on things that are most important to you, things you have control over, and […]

Online Write-A-Thon
Event Date:November 12, 2020 – 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Location:WebEx An online version of our popular Write-A-Thons! Whether you’re finishing a dissertation chapter, getting ready to defend a thesis, trying to complete a term paper, or just need to get some work done, this event is for you. The Write-A-Thon provides structured writing time, […]

Midweek Tea Time
Event Date:November 11, 2020 – 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM Location:WebEx Ah, Wednesdays — the week is halfway over! Bring your coffee/tea/snacks and chat with fellow grad students about your weekend plans, get some energy to finish out your assignments for the week, and maybe find some new ideas for things to do to unwind. […]

Native American Affinity Heritage Lunch
Event Date:November 11, 2020 – 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM Location:WebEx The Graduate School and the Center for Graduate Life invites graduate students to join virtually for an Affinity Lunch. For now, given that we are virtual, lunch is on your own, so feel free to grab a sandwich and join us online for a […]

Night Write
Event Date:November 10, 2020 – 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Location:WebEx Can’t make our daytime writing events? Night Write is for you! Jumpstart your writing by joining us for a short, structured evening writing session! Spend 90 minutes writing in the company of other graduate students to gain focus and build momentum on a writing […]

Formatting and Submitting Your Thesis or Dissertation
Event Date:November 9, 2020 – 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM Location:WebEx Facilitated by Dr. Aura Young, Doctoral Services Specialist, The Graduate School Are you planning to submit your thesis or dissertation sometime this or next semester? All thesis and dissertation students are strongly advised to hold a formatting appointment with our Doctoral Services Specialist, Aura […]

Guided Meditations with Arna
Event Date:November 9, 2020 – 12:30 PM to 12:45 PM Location:WebEx Join us for a 15-minute guided relaxation! A short break, where you can take a moment to honor yourself and create a few moments of peace and calm by focusing on things that are most important to you, things you have control over, and […]

3MT Submission Deadline
Event Date:November 6, 2020 – 5:00 PM Can you describe your research to a lay audience in only three minutes with just one static slide? The 3 Minute Thesis Competition is the opportunity to try! Register to compete to win up to $500! Background Originating at the University of Queensland, Australia, the Three Minute Thesis […]