Night Write

Event Date:
October 27, 2020 – 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Can’t make our daytime writing events? Night Write is for you! Jumpstart your writing by joining us for a short, structured evening writing session! Spend 90 minutes writing in the company of other graduate students to gain focus and build momentum on a writing project. Whether you’re finishing a dissertation chapter, getting ready to defend a thesis, trying to complete a term paper, or just need to get some work done, this event is for you. Night Write provides structured writing time, goal setting, accountability, and a grad student Slack group to help you connect and keep each other motivated. Feel free to join us for the evening:
From 6:00-6:15, we declare our goals.
From 6:15-7:45, we write synchronously with our cameras on to keep us accountable.
From 7:45-8:00, we have a final check-in to discuss how our evening went and congratulate each other on a job well done!