STEM Communication Series: Conveying Research through Social Media

Event Date:
November 5, 2020 – 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Join the fifth installment of the STEM Communication Series at UNC Charlotte in our first workshop with guest speaker Niba Nirmal, multimedia science content creator @NotesByNiba and science communicator.
This workshop will cover personal websites, how to choose platforms, and inclusive digital practices. Participants will learn current algorithm strategies as well as how to adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape. Attendees will also determine how to reach their chosen audience and engage with an online community. We’ll finish with a Q & A session.
Registrants will be sent a Google Jamboard link the day prior to the event and will be asked to let us know what platforms or topics they’re most interested in (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, personal branding, other).
Niba Nirmal is a multimedia science communicator on Ohlone land (San Francisco, CA). She creates scientific content including videos, photos, and social media campaigns. Her personal project @NotesByNiba explores the science in cosmetics, fashion, and skincare through YouTube and Instagram. In college at UC Davis, she studied the effects of climate change on crops as well as diversity studies. Her graduate work at Duke researched the genetics, form, and function of plant roots.
Watch her videos here:
See her pictures here:
Learn more about her work here: