Affinity Lunch: Women in Academia

Event Date:
March 31, 2021 – 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
Affinity Lunch Series
Students who are traditionally underrepresented in various academic programs face additional challenges beyond those of the academic rigour of their education. They often face isolation, lack of mentoring and support structure, and a scarcity of like-minded individuals with whom to exchange ideas and share daily struggles.
To provide the additional social support needed, we invite groups to get together over a casual (virtual) lunch organized around particular affinity groups. We align these lunches with the monthly commemorations that take place throughout the year.
March is Women’s History Month, so we invite all women-identifying graduate students and allies to connect with us and each other, discuss our lives, our challenges, our goals and build some community.
For the first part of the lunch, Dean Reynolds will be present, schedule permitting, to welcome you and join in a casual conversation. The main goal is to increase your connections, and provide for networking opportunities. We also want you to help us identify the challenges that your community is facing in graduate education at UNCC.
Feel free to grab a sandwich and join!