Picture a Scientist Virtual Panel Discussion

Event Date:
February 11, 2022 – 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Virtual Panel promoted by The Advance Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office
The ADVANCE Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office invites you to watch the award winning documentary “Picture a Scientist” in your own time, and then join them for a virtual Panel Discussion about the film on Friday, February 11th 2022 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.
Watch the Movie at This Link
Register for the Panel Discussion
Zoom Link here.
Women make up less than a quarter of STEM professionals in the United States, and numbers are even lower for women of color. Have you ever wondered why female scientists are still in the minority in the US? In Picture a Scientist, three prominent female scientists, Biologist, Nancy Hopkins, Chemist, Raychelle Burks and Geologist, Jane Willenbring chronicle their personal experiences in the sciences, describing how they faced and overcame brutal harassment (both explicit and implicit racial and gender bias), entrenched institutional discrimination and years of subtle slights. The film also spotlights how they, and a number of other bold and inspiring scientific luminaries, are using their experiences to change the culture of science and provide new perspectives on how to make science more diverse, equitable and open to all ABOUT THE PANEL:
Joan Lorden, Facilitator, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Jennifer Troyer, Dean, Belk College of Business
Cheryl Brown, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Deborah Thomas, Professor and Chair, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences
Susan Trammell, Professor, Department of Physics and Optical Science
Valentina Cecchi, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering