Requesting Letters of Recommendation: Dilemmas and Solutions

Event Date:
January 18, 2023 – 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Atkins 146
Requesting a letter of recommendation is easy, right? It might be trickier than you imagine! Do you know how far in advance to ask for a letter? Do you even know the best person to ask? There are many situations in which you might be unsure how to proceed.
This workshop will include:
An exchange of ideas between participants from different academic backgrounds who have faced challenges when requesting a letter
Discussion of potential solutions to common dilemmas
Participants will create reverse timelines to begin the process of requesting future letters.
The workshop, based upon the Letters of Recommendation Resources guide, is for all graduate students- whether you have just begun graduate school or are soon joining the working world.
Facilitated by Dr. Melanie Sorrell, Atkins Library Subject Librarian
Coffee and snacks are served!