Mentee Training: Reflecting on Research Experiences

Event Date:
October 13, 2023 – 12:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Atkins 146
The Center for Graduate Life and Learning will offer three sessions of Mentee Training this fall. Developed using the curriculum from CIMER, Center for Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research, this program is meant for doctoral and master’s research students to build skills to successfully navigate research endeavors. We’ll cover how to build and manage your relationship with you advisor and mentors, how to have a successful experience in the lab and with your labmates, and how to plan for and develop a career path that is just right for you.
Each session will last 3 hours and will begin with lunch, networking, and introductions. We recommend you attend all three sessions sequentially, but if you can’t make them all, they can also stand alone.
Session 3: Wednesday, November 8, 12:30-3:30
This second workshop will deal with research. As a graduate student, your research experiences play a crucial role in shaping your academic and professional future. In this workshop you will explore three essential components of your research journey, fostering effective mentor-mentee relationships, authorship ethics and research reflections for personal growth. Join us for this enriching workshop where you’ll gain valuable insights, connect with fellow graduate students and leave inspired to take your research journey to new heights.
Registration will be capped at 45 to allow for small group discussions