Write Now!

Are you working on a piece of writing? Could you benefit from some extra accountability and motivation to make progress? Then join us for Write Now!

Modeled on the popular Shut Up and Write! program, each Write Now! session features two hours of structured time for you to focus on making progress on your writing.  Participating in structured writing times benefits graduate and postdoctoral writers by allowing them to strengthen writing habits, make meaningful progress on writing projects, and improve attitudes about writing (Cayley et al., 2025; Tremblay-Wragg et al., 2021).

Whether you’re writing an article, working on a dissertation chapter, preparing to defend your thesis, or just trying to get some work done, Write Now! is right for you!

Spring ’25 Write Now! Schedule

Date/TimeLocationFacilitatorRegistration Form
Friday, March 14, 10:00am-12:00pmOnlineCandice DsouzaRegister Here
Monday, March 24
10:00am – 12:00pm
OnlineCaitlin BrabbleRoseRegister Here
Friday, April 4, 10:00am-12:00pmOnlineCandice DsouzaRegister Here
Tuesday, April 8,
OnlineCaitlin BrabbleRoseRegister Here
Friday, April 11,
OnlineCandice DsouzaRegister Here
Monday, April 14 10:00am-12:00pmOnlineCaitlin BrabbleRoseRegister Here
Friday, April 18,
OnlineCandice DsouzaRegister Here
Monday, April 21, 10:00am-12:00pmOnlineCaitlin BrabbleRoseRegister Here
Tuesday, April 22,
OnlineCandice DsouzaRegister Here
Monday, April 28,
OnlineCaitlin BrabbleRoseRegister Here
Monday, May 5,
OnlineCaitlin BrabbleRoseRegister Here