Adjusting to American Culture: Sharing Tea Culture

Event Date:
November 28, 2023 – 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Atkins 146
Adjusting to American Culture is an event designed to support international students who have recently moved to the United States and are experiencing cultural challenges. The event provides a safe and inclusive space where students can ask any questions, share their concerns and connect with others who are also going through similar experiences. The event aims to foster a sense of community and provide a platform for both domestic and international students who have lived in America for longer periods of time to offer guidance and advice on how to navigate life in Charlotte. Through this event, students will have the opportunity to learn about American culture, customs and traditions, while also gaining valuable insights into how to overcome any hurdles they may encounter as they transition to a new country.
P.S, for this event, you may bring tea and snacks from your culture to share with your fellows! We will have hot water, milk and sugar!
Facilitated by Suraksha Rajpal